Food you can feel good about.

Steadygrow is a small scale regenerative farm local to Omaha and Lincoln, providing you with food raised as nature intended.



Restoring vitality and abundance.



Know your farmer. Know your food.



No drugs, pesticides, additives, ever.


You deserve food transparency.

Factory farms produce virtually all animal food products across our nation today.

The average consumer does not have a connection to where their food comes from or how it was raised.

Labels and certifications can be misleading. “Organic” and “Free-range” may not be as advertised.


Steadygrow Farm exists to help restore the relationship between you and your food.

Producing local high quality food raised with transparency into our practices and principles that mimic nature’s methods.

Restarting nature’s cycles on land that was a former cattle feedlot.

Animals rotated on pasture daily.

From Our Customers

"After becoming increasingly frustrated with the price and quality of supermarket chicken, we decided to start seeking out local options. We soon connected with Steadygrow Farm and stocked our freezer full of juicy whole chickens that we've been enjoying for both delicious meals and nutritious bone broth.”

Jared & Cristina Biggs, Lincoln


“Steadygrow Farm goes the extra mile to provide our community with quality, sustainable food. We enjoy their chicken eggs, duck eggs, and whole chickens as staples in our kitchen. We are so grateful for local farmers who bring passion and integrity to regenerative farming.”

Justin & Alison Rediger, Omaha

How it Works

1. Shop available products and subscriptions

2. Place your order

3. Join the community and invite others


Ready to connect with the journey of your food?